***Important Reminders for the First Week of School!

Dear Berkeley Academy Parents, Students and Families:
Here are some important reminders:
First day of school is *Tuesday, August 16 at 7:45am*. *Pre-K through Kindergarten* students can be picked up earlier at *2:30pm*; *School ends officially at 2:45pm* for all students.
*- All elementary students* (Pre-K through grade 5) will be *picked up in the main entrance*.
*- All Middle and High School students* will be picked up at the *North Side Exit/small gate entrance*.
Please *DO NOT BLOCK OUR NEIGHBORS’ DRIVEWAY* while waiting in line for pick up. Please allow for traffic to flow freely by *positioning your car as far to the right side of the street as possible*.
We ask parents and families to* please use the parking lot across our campus at Comunidad Cristiana* to alleviate traffic congestion. There are plenty of spaces and exiting North is less congested.
*Protective masks*, *temperature checks *and *hand washing* are *no longer part of Berkeley Academy’s mandatory protocols*. However, we will encourage students to wash their hands frequently throughout the course of the day, especially before and after eating. *Staff and students are welcome to wear protective masks if families wish*. *Positive COVID-19 case protocols* (self-quarantine) will be in effect *ONLY for those students* and *community members infected* and those *demonstrating symptoms*.
*Berkeley Academy’s Virtual School Platform* is* closed* for 2022-23.
*Berkeley Academy’s Annual New Family Meet and Greet* is scheduled for *Wednesday, August 17 from 3:30pm – 4:45pm in our high school building*. Light refreshments will be served to meet Mr. Swing, Berkeley Academy families and staff! Come by to say hello!
*Happy Mother’s Day *to all of our special and wonderful Berkeley Academy mothers!
Wishing you all a great start to the academic year!
*Office of the Director of Administration* *Berkeley Academy for Multicultural Studies* www.berkeleycr.com
(506) 2203-4621 CR admin@berkeleycr.com
